Wishing all of our residents who are celebrating this month a very Happy Birthday, and a very warm welcome to all our new Residents! Residents Dorothy M. Welcome New Residents Arlene B Charles L. Geovadi M. Read More
A special thank you to our families and stakeholders for your continued support of our residents! With the arrival of the New Year, we would like to wish everyone New Year blessings! May this one be the best one yet! Read More
Please join us as we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, January 20, 2025. This federal holiday honors Dr. Kingâs remarkable achievements, including his leadership in nonviolent activism and his pivotal role in fighting racial discrimination across the United States. His contributions to equality and justice continue to Read More
Popcorn is the ultimate easy snackâ quick to make, endlessly customizable, and perfect for sharing! Whether you love it plain or loaded with flavors, National Popcorn Day is the perfect time to get creative with your kernels. No-Frills Classic: Drizzle melted butter over freshly popped popcorn and sprinkle with a touch of salt. Sometimes simple Read More
Are you a word lover, or as some might say, a “logophile”? If you enjoy discovering new words and their meanings, January 9 is the perfect day for you! Think back, what was the last new word you learned? Did you immediately know what it meant, or did you have to look it up or Read More
Residents/Staff: Johnnie B. Rita G. Mary F. Christine B. Everett H. Terry C. Vera M. Welcome to new Residents: Arlene B., Howard B., Terry C., Dora G., Cynthia P. Juel W. Read More
The winter can be a challenging time to stay physically and socially active due to colder temperatures, slippery conditions, and fewer daylight hours. However, youâll find it is worth the effort, because staying active and connected with others is a great way to keep the âwinter bluesâ away. Here are a few things to try Read More
Decorated trees, picturesque snowy landscapes, colorful presents, the joy of perusing old photo albums, the bright happy faces of family and friends reunited after a long year. There is no time of the year where it is clearer to see how important the gift of sight is than it is during the holiday season. During Read More
Cut out snowmen, snowflakes, bells, or ornament shapes. Glue the shapes on cards. Add a string and hang them as seasonal decorations. Fold wrapping paper lengthwise. Cut out the shape of a tree, where the edges are touching the folds. Unfold the paper to reveal a chain of fancy trees. Cut wrapping paper into strips. Read More
Nothing is better than receiving a surprise letter in the mail! Whether it is an old friend, a family member, a soldier, or someone you have never met, receiving a personal correspondence can brighten up a winter day! The holidays are the perfect time to put pen to paper, and connect via written word with Read More